Summer CleanTox Tip- #13 - Carrots

If you follow my Instagram account then you know I have been eating a ton of carrots this summer. How can I resist grabbing bunches of rainbow carrots when I walk through the farmers market?! Not only are they a delicious crunchy snack they are also nutritious. 


Check out these top ten benefits of carrots.

  1. Beta-Carotene = Improved Vision 

  2. Anti Cancer Properties = Cancer Prevention 

  3. Beta-Carotene = Anti Aging

  4. Vitamin A = Healthy Glowing Skin

  5. Antiseptec in Raw Form = Prevent Infections

  6. Beta-Carotene, Alpha-Carotene & Lutein = Reduces Cholesterol & chance of Heart Disease

  7. Vitamin A = Cleanses the Body

  8. Carrot, Honey, Oil, Lemon = Recipe for Beautiful Skin (face mask)

  9. Crunch Texture = Healthy Teeth and Gums

  10. 6 carrots a week = Help Prevent a Stroke


So its settled, carrots should be a staple in your diet. Here are a few of my favorite recipes with carrots. 


Also great as a snack alone or with some hummus and don't forget a delicious glass of carrot juice is packed with the 6 carrots you need in a week!


Lauren Courtney