What story do you want your aura to tell?

You are made up of energy that lets off a vibration that can be both felt and seen. Thats why we say your vibe attracts your tribe.

Now, take a moment and think about that; what is your vibration attracting? Is your vibration a match for the things you desire or is deflecting your desires? If you are ready to raise your vibration and become a match for your deep desires I invite you to continue reading.

The aura is how you can instinctively know if something positive or negative has gone down in a room as soon as you enter.

The aura is what you feel as you meet someone new.

The aura will draw you closer to a person or repel you away.

With that, just as you feel auras people feel yours as well.

What story do you want your aura to tell?

I bet you want people to experience your energy as contagious and to see you GLOWING!


A 6-week self paced program filled with deep healing and integration through the use of Sound Healing, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki and Journaling.

During This 6-Week Self-Guided Journey, You’ll Receive:

  • Welcome Video
    to help you kick off the program feeling fulfilled, loved, clear minded, inspired, and ready to shine from the inside out.

  • Weekly Soundbath Recordings
    to listen to every day to clear blocks, raise your frequency, and ignite your energetic field

  • Daily & Weekly Journal Prompts
    to help you integrate the daily healing.

  • An Online Platform For All Your Materials And Resources
    so everything you need for this journey is in one place and easy to access.

Similar to GLOW UP YOUR CHAKRAS (which I recommend checking out first) you will spend a week at each layer of the aura doing deep healing and integration.

The deep work and healing takes place in listening to the weekly sound baths which are infused with Holy Fire Reiki and the integration takes place through the simplicity of the daily grounding as you listen along with the journal prompts.

There is so much magic in the ease of this program.

Lets Break Down Your Journey Through the Auric Field:

Week 1: Earth Star

Located approximately 12-18 inches also known as the “super root,” it aligns and connects the body and soul to the powerful energies within the magnetic core of planet earth.

Week 2: Soul Star

The Soul Star Chakra is located approximately 6 inches higher than the crown chakra. It is the energy center for divine love, spiritual compassion, intuition and spiritual selflessness.
This chakra is where one can access the Akashic Records of all past lives not only on Earth but in the entire universe. This is the center for shamanic healing and communication with spirit guides.

Week 3: Spirit Star

The spirit star chakra allows you to link to the expansive realm of spirit. It is in this chakra where you will remember your direct connection to the divine and your ability to connect with light beings, angels, guides and star beings from around the galaxy.

Week 4: Universal

The Universal Chakra connects you to the divine light beings of the universe and complete alignment of your light body within your physical being.

Week 5: Galactic

The Galactic Chakra stands for divine knowledge and cosmic wisdom. it is here that we are able to advance our spiritual skills, travel beyond limits or time and space, communicate with Ascended masters, light beings and the highest realms.

Week 6: Divine Gateway

The Divine Gateway aka Universal Consciousness, this is the doorway to explore other worlds and realms. Full Ascension takes place as we clear and tap into the Divine Gateway.

Now that you know about the layers of the Aura you may be asking yourself why Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a practice that uses vibrations (vocal and/or instrumental - like gongs, drums, singing bowls, and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body. Sound healing has been proven to improve mood, deepen sleep, lower stress, increase a sense of well-being, reduce depression, and strengthen spiritual connection.

Healing with sound is said to improve or cure many ailments including:

  • Depression

  • ​Anxiety disorder

  • ​Stress

  • ​PTSD

  • ​Chronic Pain

    It can also bring about:

  • Clarity and balance

  • Relaxation

  • Improved memory and concentration

  • ​Improved sleep

  • ​A stronger immune system

  • ​Improved creativity

  • ​Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment

Singing bowl therapy is one of — if not the — most popular sound healing methods because of its effective and various aspects of healing.

From lowered blood pressure to relief from anxiety to the opening of the pineal gland, singing bowls are a powerful sound meditation that, when added to your daily routine, can provide gentle but intense clearing and healing.

Still Wondering If Glow Up Your Aura Is Right For You? 

You’ve read this far, so there must be something - a voice, a feeling, a nudge - telling you this is exactly what you need right now.

You know something needs to change. You know life is filled with possibilities and opportunities waiting for you to show up and grab ‘em. So what is holding you back?

What do you need to KNOW in order to say yes to yourself?

What do you need to BELIEVE in order to invest in your self-healing?

What do you need to DO in order to change your life and find the self-love and self-acceptance you crave, and very much deserve?

Only you can answer those questions.

You may still be asking yourself, how do I know if it will work for me?

Science has proven that sound healing works. The sound baths fundamentally transform your brain's vibrations, aiding you in driving new paths of action and beliefs for your new way of being.

But the question behind this question - the true inquiry - is one rising from frustration and fear. What if this doesn’t work for me - just like the other programs I purchased and didn’t see any change. What if I am too broken for this to work? What if I waste my money and nothing changes?

Please listen to me…


You are not a lost cause. You are not to blame. And you are not the victim of your life.

Everything you’ve done brought you here - to me, to this training, to this space of radical self-love and self-acceptance. A judgement-free zone filled with joy, laughter and love.

Somewhere, we were taught that healing our pains and our past has to hurt. It has to be gut wrenching. It has to take a long time, and we have to feel it all. Who wants to relive the pain they are trying to release?

I am here to tell you - to show you through my own life - that it is absolutely NOT TRUE. It can be simple. And it can be enjoyable.

Its time for your outside to reflect the true beauty of what is within.

Are you ready to GLOW UP YOUR AURA?

Enroll Now for ONLY $444