Unlock the Guru In You | Sage wisdom for the Awakened soul


I know you are here because you are ready to be FREE. You desire a more fulfilling, happier life, one that you want to wake up and live each day because you are meant to LIVE! This is a safe space where you get to look within, locate + heal fears, limiting beliefs, inherited emotions + trauma keeping you from truly living a life in alignment with your souls purpose.

Like you, I know how challenging it can feel to navigate waking up to the reality that life is not what you were sold all along. There is a big expansive universe filled with support + opportunity waiting for you to take a leap of faith. Yet so often we are too scared to take a leap, so we stay in our comfort zone + life begins to slip by.

Well, that’s the old story! In the new one, with me by your side we are expanding time + your life, we are locating unconscious patterns + limiting beliefs + releasing them. We are locating fear + turning it into FREEDOM because it’s time for you to be free. It is time for you to share your gifts with the world!!

I’m here to help guide you along the path and provide you with tools + techniques to empower yourself to step courageously into who you were always meant to be. Continue Reading >>>





Transform Your Mind Nourish your soul

  • A spiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment & guidance. Reiki is a hands off healing process that can create profound emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and energetic healing. Clients experiences can range from visceral to physical as you release stress, anxiety, fear, overwhelm or a myriad of other emotions enabling you to enter into a state of peace. Holy Fire Reiki can be performed in person, at a distance, 1:1 or in a group setting.

  • Kundalini Yoga is the science of using your body’s energy and chemistry to heal yourself, and tap into the source of your vitality. Using breath, mantra and movement we are able to tap into the bodies wisdom.

  • Graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition I support clients on a journey to heal dis-ease in the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies in order to find a relaxed nervous system, be free from fight or flight and find a deep connection with their intuition enabling them to be the Guru in their life.

  • With a background working as a chef with clients recovering from addiction I have cultivated my own style of eating for your intuition and using the chakras as a roadmap for eating for our intuition. I channel divine wisdom and recipes from the body to help heal it of dis-ease and bring it back to an alchemized state.

  • An ancient meditative practice that uses different musical implements to create healing vibrations around the body in a meditative state. Lauren fuses together crystal bowls, drums, chimes and other tools with the sound of her voice to create a deep relaxation and healing for your mind, body and spirit. Available for 1:1 sessions, groups, classes and recordings.


Online Shop & Courses


Your one-stop-shop for access to all of my original sound healings and programs. Tune in, relax, and get ready to release, expand, and align whenever you want, in the comfort of your own space.











Lauren has a way; she is a channel who does surgery on your soul and finds parts of you that get brought into the light for you to accept and heal. Her work helped me to let go of stress and understand my purpose in this life.
— Gerard Adams
“Working with Lauren was fast, it was like a vacuum. We excavated traumas + belief systems that were big + also some that were so subtle and then reprogrammed them. The way she pulled my words + turned them into powerful activations was like having a subconscious PR agent. Lauren has the ability to see your soul’s greatest potential and hold space for that like no one else with both practical and spiritual language. Seeing myself through that lens has transformed and elevated my life and business.”
— Danielle B.
My 8-week one-on-one sessions with Lauren were one of the best investments I’ve made in myself all year, maybe ever. She guided me to dig deep in places I need to uncover in order to get to my true self again.
— Susanne H.